Displaying 1 to 10 out of 16 results
Having construction work carried out in the months of Safar and Rabi-ul-Awwal
Question: work carried out in the month of Safar or Rabi-ul-Awwal, or not? Some people consider carrying out work in these months to be harmful and unlucky. Wha..
Ruling Regarding Not Specifying Ratio Of Profit Sharing In A Partnership
Question: work. I buy scrap and extract silver from it. A friend of mine gave me two hundred thousand rupees and became my partner in this business. I also adde..
Ruling On Booking Orders From A Restaurant Selling Permissible And Impermissible Food Items
Question: work is to make contact with takeaways and restaurants in Europe. We offer to receive customer calls on their behalf, take their orders and forward th..
Long recitation made by Imam and objection raised by Muqtadis
Answer: work, so it is a Sunnah for the Imam to recite Tiwal-e-Mufasssal (any Surah from Surah Al-Hujurat to Surah Al-Burooj) during the Fard Salahs of Fajr a..
The ruling on demanding sweet in the name of the registry of a plot
Answer: work done. Anything given to get work done is a bribe. Hence, anything that is given or taken for the purpose of the registry comes under the context ..
Wage for shaving beard
Answer: work, wage for such a work is also Haraam. This money must be returned to the person it was taken from. If the person is no longer alive, then give it..
Ruling On Taking Commission From Companies Like Amazon Under Affiliate Marketing
Answer: work considered worthy of remuneration in our society, and giving and receiving commission for this is established practise. You are deserving of the ..
What Is The Ruling On Selling And Buying A Vehicle If The Price Is Not Fixed On Advanced Booking ?
Answer: work; this opinion is precise. And a transaction can never stand such uncertainty in price that so-and-so price will be for the such-and-such duratio..
Selling Good Quality Rice In Exchange For Lower Quality Rice
Answer: work of Hanafi jurisprudence: ولا یجوز بیع الزیتون بالزیت والسمسم بالشیرج حتی یکون الزیت والشیرج اکثر مما فی الزیتون والسمسم،فیکون الدھن بمثلہ والز..
Can A Husband Make Use Of His Wife’s Earnings?
Answer: work and run the house together, thus, if food or other household items are bought with the women’s earnings, the husband may also partake of that as ..