Displaying 11 to 20 out of 28 results
What Is The Ruling On Buying A Digital Prize Bond ?
Answer: debt that yields a profit is usury.(Kanz al-Ummal, Al-Kitab al-Sani, Al-Baab al-Sani, vol. 6, pg. 238, Muassisah al-Risalah) Allamah Ibn Abidin Sh..
What Is Shariah Ruling For A Partner Who Wants To Sell A Co-Owned Plot While The Other Refuses To Do So
Answer: permission from the other even though the buyer is other than his partner as long their assets are not mixed (as in the case of mixing, the ruling wil..
Ruling Regarding Zakat On The Amount Of Money Saved For Hajj
Answer: debt and basic necessities of life are expended upon, it will be obligatory for him to give zakat in the scenario asked in the question. FatāwaʿĀlamgī..
Repaying debt at the present value
Delaying Hajj despite it being Fard
Answer: permission from her husband for performing Fard Hajj. If her Mahram is prepared to go with her and other conditions are also met, she must go to fulfi..
Making a will regarding the carrying out of a good deed
Answer: permission to formulate a will, the Shari’ah has established a great means of fulfilling permissible desires and needs of the Hereafter, because throu..
Giving a Child’s Eid-money to another Child as Eid-money
Answer: permission to use it. Moreover, regarding the envelopes and gifts etc. received by children as Eid-money or on their birthdays, if the one giving it ..
Can Father Waive His Daughter's Meher? Or A Woman Voluntarily Waive Her Meher?
Answer: debt?” She did not respond verbally due to inability to speak, but instead nodded her head. Will the dowry be considered remitted or not? The ima..
Fixing a percentage on a loan?
Question: repayment period is up to 20 years. The interest rate has been fixed at 12% which the borrower has to pay in addition to the original borrowed amount...
Is it necessary to keep Qada fasts or can Fidyah be paid instead
Question: permission to pay Fidyah, how much is the Fidyah for one missed fast?..