Displaying 11 to 20 out of 111 results
Can Men Wear Shorts ?
Answer: Islamic rulings are ignored in the name of fashion and other excuses. The ruling for men is as clear as day. The area of the body which a man is ..
Will The Blessed Awliya Also Make Shafa’at [Intercession]?
Question: Islamic scholars] and Muftis [Islamic jurists] state regarding the following matter: Will the Awliya of Allah also intercede on the Day of Judgement? ..
Ruling On Inheritance Of A Missing Person
Question: Islamic calendar. Both of his parents passed away during his lifetime, and he does not have any sons. Among his heirs are his wife, three daughters, t..
Ruling On Manufacturing, Selling And Advertising A Cross Locket
Answer: Islamic viewpoint concerning the cross. 2. Manufacturing and selling gold or silver cross lockets. 3. The ruling concerning advertising such a locke..
Continuous Voluntary (Nafl) Fasting in Islam ? Parental Permission For Children's Nafl Fasts ?
Question: Islamic law say about this? A person says fasting consecutively has been prohibited in a hadith, so please provide guidance in this regard. 2. Is..
Can A Woman Bathe During Her Periods ?
Question: Islamic law say regarding this?..
Ruling On Rinsing The Mouth And Sniffing Water Up The Nose While Fasting
Answer: Islamic teachings and ignorance. The outcome of relating these incorrect rulings will manifest in the public performing farḍ ghusl in said manner and ..
Is It Allowed To Delay Maghrib Jamaat For 10 Minutes After Azaan In The Month Of Ramadaan?
Question: Islamic laws? 2] In a Muslim Country, is it necessary to break the fast at the time of Azaan during the month of Ramadaan? If there is an indicati..
Ruling Regarding Giving Two For The Price Of One Item For Promotion
Answer: perspective. There are two possible explanations for this contract to take place and each one of them will make this contract a permissible contract. ..
Is woman allowed to go to graveyard for recitation of Fatihah?
Question: Islamic scholars and Muftis ruled on the following issue? My respected father passed away this Ramadan. My sister often says that she will go to the g..