Displaying 11 to 17 out of 17 results
Mahram for son-in-law?
Answer: prohibition is not based on lineage but rather it is based on Musaharat i.e. in-laws relationship, therefore, observance of Purdah is not also forbidd..
Ruling On Booking Orders From A Restaurant Selling Permissible And Impermissible Food Items
Answer: Prohibition of pork and alcohol Allah states in the Quran: یٰۤاَیُّہَا الَّذِیۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡۤا اِنَّمَا الۡخَمۡرُ وَ الۡمَیۡسِرُ وَ الۡاَنۡصَابُ و..
Buying And Selling Human Hair In Islam
Answer: prohibition of trade with human hair, according to jurists, is that no part of the human body is a commodity (māl) for it to be used in buying and sel..
Islamic Law Concerning Tawidhat Amulets And Recitals For Cure Damm
Answer: prohibition, which was abrogated and turned into permissibility. Islamic law affirmed and maintained this permission. وَاللہُ اَعْلَمُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ ..
Can The Khateeb Prohibit People From Coming Forward During The Sermon
Answer: prohibition of individuals who cause harm by stepping over the necks of others is validated by the blessed actions of the Greatest and Final Prophet ص..
A Scenario In Which Profit On Bonds Issued By A Private Bank Becomes Ribah
Answer: prohibition of gaining benefit (i.e. interest) from loans, writes: ”لانہ یستوفی دینہ کاملاً فتبقی لہ المنفعۃ فضلاً فیکون ربا“ Translation: Since ..
A Permissible Way to Sell Things Just by Sharing Pictures
Answer: prohibition of selling something before acquiring its possession: ’’من ابتاع طعاما فلا يبعه حتى يقبضه، قال ابن عباس: وأحسب كل شىء بمنزلة الطعام ‘‘ ..