Displaying 11 to 15 out of 15 results
Ruling On Booking Orders From A Restaurant Selling Permissible And Impermissible Food Items
Answer: Animals which are slaughtered using machines are haram according to all four schools of jurisprudence. The ruling of these is the same as carrion, as ..
The Qurbani sacrifice of a bull with no adult teeth
Can Women Have More Than One Ear Or Nose Piercing ?
Answer: animals (this is a ritual of idol worshippers), and I will definitely order them that they will change the creation of Allah.’ And whoever chooses the..
Ruling Regarding Zakat On The Amount Of Money Saved For Hajj
Answer: qurbani on Eid al-Aḍḥa or not?” The imam replied, “Zakat is obligatory (farḍ) upon him, whilst ṣadaqah and qurbani are necessary (wājib).” Mufti..
Can Sacrificing One Animal Suffice For An Entire Household?
Question: animals like cows, etc.) upon each household. Please guide about the Hadith and the note mentioned after that in the light of Shari’ah. ..