Displaying 21 to 23 out of 23 results
Should A Child Repeat Salah When He Reaches The Age Of Puberty (Being Baligh)?
Answer: Wudu and Salah, and they should be taught to maintain it. Then, when the child reaches the age of ten, the parents should instruct them to perform Sal..
What is a Masjid Al-Bayt Its rulings and virtues
Answer: wudu, it is only permitted to do so out of necessity, and one must return immediately upon fulfilling such needs, otherwise the iꜤtikaf will become a..
The Return Of The Sun For Sayyiduna Ali To Perform Asr Salah
Answer: eyes that the sun that had set reappeared with sunlight shining on the peaks of the mountains and everywhere on the earth.”(Seerat-e-Mustafa, p. 722, ..