Displaying 21 to 30 out of 108 results
Preparing Jewellery On Order Purchase
Answer: permissible according to Islamic law. Having jewellery or something else prepared by a craftsman falls within bayꜤ al-istiṣnāꜤ (order purchase). T..
Purchasing Gold Jewellery In Exchange For A Gold Bar
Answer: permissible, haram and usurious. However, if something has been added to one item of gold, such as the pearls that are added to jewellery, there ..
Rulings Regarding Buying A Plot On Installments And Imposing A Fine On Late Installments
Question: permissible to buy a plot on Installments? Also, can one impose a condition of fine in case of late payment of installments?..
Ruling Regarding Buying Back a Sold Car
Answer: permissible and sinful action. However, you may purchase it on the selling price or higher without any disliking (بلا کراہیۃ). The reason for impe..
Permissible way of having R.O. plant installed
Question: permissible for us? ..
The Ruling On Using The Guardian’s Name In Place Of The Father’s
Question: permissible or not? And will the marriage be valid like this; whilst at the time of marriage, the one conducting the marriage has taken the offer and ..
Including the share of ‘Aqiqah in the sacrificial animal
Question: permissible or not to include the share of ‘Aqiqah in the Qurbani sacrifice of a cow, buffalo, camel, etc? If the share of ‘Aqiqah is included in the ..
Continuous Voluntary (Nafl) Fasting in Islam ? Parental Permission For Children's Nafl Fasts ?
Answer: permissible if one does not fast on the prohibited days, such as the two ʿĒids and the days of Tashrīq.” 2. Forbiddance stems from danger of one bec..
Fixing a percentage on a loan?
Answer: permissible to take a loan under this scheme. However, if a person is really in need, that is, his need is such that even Sharia recognizes it as a ne..
The Ruling On Taking Part In Boxing
Question: permissible, such as boxing?..