Displaying 21 to 30 out of 30 results
What to do if Halal and Haraam are mixed in inheritance?
Answer: return it back to him because the ruling on bribes is that it must be returned to the person it was received from. Moreover, the wealth which is separ..
Considering the value of Rupee whilst paying Mahr
Answer: return. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, vol. 2, pp. 64, Maktaba-tul-Madinah, Bab-ul-Madinah, Karachi) وَاللہُ اَعْلَمُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ وَ رَسُوْلُہٗ اَعْلَم ص..
What is the ruling of taking benefit from a loan?
Question: return the amount of money he took from me, and in addition to this, he will give me Rs. 10 per kilo of the meat he supplies. Is this arrangement corr..
Leading the funeral prayer (janaza) whilst in Iʿtikāf
Question: Sunnah Iʿtikāf. The people of my neighbourhood say, if somebody was to pass away whilst I was in ‘Iʿtikāf, there will be nobody to lead their janāza. ..
Can Someone’s Debt Be Paid Without Their Permission
Answer: returned to him. It is mentioned in ꜤUqud al-Durriyyah: المتبرع لا یرجع بما تبرع بہ علی غیرہ کما لو قضی دین غیرہ بغیر امرہ – “Someone who does an ..
What is a Masjid Al-Bayt Its rulings and virtues
Answer: return immediately upon fulfilling such needs, otherwise the iꜤtikaf will become annulled. Leaving the masjid al-bayt for performing ghusl merely out..
Ruling On Inheritance Of A Missing Person
Question: return. However, since 2009 he has been missing without any information about his whereabouts or whether he is alive or deceased. My husband was born ..
Is It Necessary To Repay A Loan Borrowed From A Son Or Brother?
Answer: Sunnat, A’la Hadrat Shah Imam Ahmad Raza Khan رَحْمَةُ اللهِ عَلَيْه explains: "While these narrations emphasize the significance of obedience, it is ..
Long Distance Travel To Another City With The Intention Of a 15 Day Stay
Answer: return in less than 15 days, or move on to another location, then this shortening will continue during his stay. If residence is intended [15 days or ..
A Permissible Way to Sell Things Just by Sharing Pictures
Answer: Sunnan Al-Nisae, Vol 7, Page 289, Halab) The beloved prophetصلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ و اصحابہ و سلم has said regarding the prohibition of selling somet..