Displaying 21 to 30 out of 33 results
Iddah of a widow and how is to act upon a Will which is contrary to Shari’ah?
Answer: meaning an entire 130-day period will have to be spent from the date of the death. وَاللہُ اَعْلَمُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ وَ رَسُوْلُہٗ اَعْلَم صَلَّی ..
What is the ruling of taking benefit from a loan?
Answer: Meaning, you will give that individual money as a loan, and the principle regarding loans is that the amount to be returned should be exactly as the b..
Leading the funeral prayer (janaza) whilst in Iʿtikāf
Answer: meaning of having no choice but to leave the Masjid, as was said earlier, entails that there is nobody besides you capable of leading the janāza. With..
An important ruling on putting a child up for adoption
Answer: cation and development will be assumed by him as well. It is as if after putting the child up for adoption, it is norm that there is a commitment not..
Correcting the imam’s recitation (luqma)
Answer: meaning, it still amounts to a mistake in recitation. Interjecting with luqma is therefore valid in this situation due to it being Mansoos. The c..
Making a will regarding the carrying out of a good deed
Answer: cate one-third of his wealth for his will. If more than one-third is included in a will, then this is not considered. In the same way, a will made reg..
Can We Take a Vow for Anyone Other Than Allah Almighty?
Answer: meaning of a customary vow is a gift or offering. For example, a person may vow to gift the reward of an act of charity to the prophets and auliya. He..
Can Sacrificing One Animal Suffice For An Entire Household?
Answer: meaning of the Hadith is concerned, either this Hadith has been abrogated or the sacrifice discussed in this Hadith does not refer to Wajib but rather..
What is a Masjid Al-Bayt Its rulings and virtues
Answer: meaning, a room or some part of the house should be designated for salah. Worldly activities should not take place there. The area should be kept clea..
Verbally Expressing Intention For Salah Is This Bidah An Innovation ?
Answer: meaning of sunnah in this context: وسنة باعتبار أنه طريقة حسنة لهم لا طريقة للنبي صلى اللہ عليه وسلم Imam Ibn Humām رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه d..