Displaying 21 to 30 out of 43 results
Ruling on doing Iftar by mistake before time
Answer: night time whereas it was morning time [i.e. Subh-e-Sadiq had started] or anyone does Iftar thinking that the sun had set whereas it had not yet set; ..
Permissible way of having R.O. plant installed
Answer: night for the purpose of filtering water, disturbing the sleep and rest of neighbours. This should also be avoided. ..
Is It Necessary To Celebrate The Walimah On A Large Scale?
Question: night of consummating the marriage, he has some food cooked and invites some members of his in laws for a Walimah meal, will his Walimah be classed as..
Ruling On Manufacturing, Selling And Advertising A Cross Locket
Answer: category of matters i.e., necessarily known matters, whose denier is certainly a disbeliever. Its definitive evidence is the statement of Allah Almigh..
Can Men Wear Shorts ?
Answer: cation and other forbidden acts. It also enforces the ruling of covering the private parts and the surrounding areas, which are obligatory to veil. ..
Should A Child Repeat Salah When He Reaches The Age Of Puberty (Being Baligh)?
Answer: night, before the dawning of Fajr time , he reached the age of puberty (i.e. he became Baligh), will he have to repeat the Salah or not? Imam Abu Hani..
How is it for children to go outside after Maghrib
Answer: catter around. If children are outside at this time, there is risk of them being harmed. The order to prevent children from going outside is not one o..
How is it to use the words ‘Haazir-o-Naazir’ for Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ?
Answer: meanings of these words described in Arabic dictionaries do not befit the glory of Almighty Allah. Therefore, blessed ‘Ulama say that these words shou..
Sahari and Fasting
Answer: meaning he will have to keep another fast in place of that one, but there is no expiation over it and since it happened by mistake, so there is no sin..
In which month should Zakah be given?
Answer: Meaning when one becomes Sahib-e-Nisaab (i.e. he possesses wealth meeting the minimum threshold) and a year passes upon having that Nisab , then Zakah..