Displaying 21 to 30 out of 50 results
Can Women Have More Than One Ear Or Nose Piercing ?
Answer: parts of the body falls under this warning. Allama Badr al-Dīn al-ꜤAinī writes: ھو غرز إبرۃ أو مسلۃ ونحوھما فی ظھر الکف أو المعصم أو الشفۃ وغیر ذ..
Tears That Flow From An Infected Eye And Their Effect On Wudu
Answer: part of the body due to illness, it is stated in Ghunyat al-Mustamlī and al-Ikhtiyār etc.: کل مایخرج من علۃ من ای موضع کان کالاذن والثدی والسرۃ ونحو..
Invalidation of Wudu due to drinking alcohol
Answer: part of the mouth or clothing or body is soiled with alcohol equal to the quantity of a dirham either collectively or separately, so it will not be pe..
Ruling Regarding Buying Back a Sold Car
Answer: part of price has not entered into your Dhamaan (ضمان) yet and if you buy a car on lower price before the entire price enters into your Dhaman, it mea..
How is it to use the words ‘Haazir-o-Naazir’ for Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ?
Answer: Part 17, Surah Al-Hajj, Ayah 17) At another place, it is stated: اِنَّ اللّٰہَ سَمِیۡعٌۢ بَصِیۡرٌ ﴿ۚ۷۵﴾ Indeed Allah is All Hearing, All Se..
Can Dua change the fate?
Answer: part 2) (3) Mu`allaq Mahd[معلق محض]: Regarding this type, it is written on the scriptures of the angels as to which dua or action it can be changed ..
Can A Husband Make Use Of His Wife’s Earnings?
Answer: partake of that as there is already implicit permission found here. Warning: In regards to a woman working, the following ruling must be duly noted: ..
An important matter for chicken-sellers
Question: particular tikka shops. We need Islamic guidance on the procedure we follow. This is the procedure we follow: We slaughter the hen with our hand ..
Leading the funeral prayer (janaza) whilst in Iʿtikāf
Question: part of ʿayn-e -masjid nor part of fināʾ-e-masjid.While performing ‘Iʿtikāf, am I allowed to leave the masjid to lead janāza prayers? From Muhammad A..