Displaying 31 to 40 out of 106 results
A Scenario In Which Profit On Bonds Issued By A Private Bank Becomes Ribah
Answer: Trade is in fact also like usury.' And Allah has made trading lawful and has made usury unlawful. Therefore, the one whom advice has come to from his ..
Wearing a metal ring without a gem for counting rounds of Tawaf
Question: Islamic scholars say about the following issue: A gemless ring with a small rosary hanging from it is available in the marketplace. Those performing T..
Is it allowed to sell school notebooks and books that cannot be benefitted from?
Question: Islamic scholars and Muftis ruled on the following issue? Is it allowed to sell children’s school notebooks and books that are no longer needed? Shoul..
Iddah of a widow and how is to act upon a Will which is contrary to Shari’ah?
Question: Islamic scholars ruled on the following query? My elder sister’s husband has passed away, and in his life he advised my sister in his will to remain i..
Shari rulings about condolence
Question: Islamic scholars say about these matters: (1) What is the ruling about condolence after three days, is it Makruh-e- Tahreemi or Makruh-e- Tanzeehi? (2..
The Qurbani sacrifice of a bull with no adult teeth
Question: Islamic ruling on sacrificing such a bull?..
An important matter for chicken-sellers
Question: Islamic guidance on the procedure we follow. This is the procedure we follow: We slaughter the hen with our hand as per Islamic Law. After the he..
Using Quranic Verses For Graphic Design Projects
Question: Islamic gatherings. Is it permissible to write Quranic verses on these in various designs?..
An important ruling on putting a child up for adoption
Answer: Islamic ruling due to giving the child to the one who brings him up, then the child must be taken back. When Imam e Ahl e sunnat,Imam Ahmad Razā ..
Ruling on Wudu and Ghusl in case of having a filling
Question: Islamic scholars and Muftis say about the following issue? If a person has had a filling [i.e. filling a whole in a molar or filling the area where a ..