Displaying 31 to 34 out of 34 results
Can A Woman Bathe During Her Periods ?
Answer: Muslim on the authority of Hadrat ꜤĀisha Ṣiddīqa رضی اللہ عنھا: نفست اسماء بنت عميس بمحمد بن ابی بكر بالشجرة فامر رسول اللہ صلى اللہ عليه و سلم ابا ..
Is It Wajib To Provide The Wife With The Same Food As The Husband Consumes ?
Answer: Muslim, vol. 2, p. 886, Beirut) There is a blessed Hadith regarding treating wife well: ومھما انفقت فھو لک صدقۃ حتی اللقمۃترفعھافی فی امراتک Mea..
Can The Khateeb Prohibit People From Coming Forward During The Sermon
Answer: Muslim and the Shaykhayn رَحِمَهُمَا الـلّٰـهُ have not narrated it.(Al Mustadrak Ala Sahihain vol. 1, p. 424, Dar-ul-Kutub Ilmiya) Talking by Kh..
Ruling Regarding Giving Two For The Price Of One Item For Promotion
Answer: Muslim Jurists). Quotations from books of Fiqh regarding the first explanation: The book Badayus Sanay while mentioning the conditions for the..