Displaying 31 to 40 out of 63 results
The Volume Of Voice In Glorifications Of Bowing And Prostration Of Salah
Answer: Sunnah. The minimum requirement for recital is for the sound to be heard by the individual himself in normal circumstances. This means that the re..
Performing The Prostration Of Gratitude Without Wudu
Question: Wudu or without specifying the direction of Qiblah or at the time of Zawaal (when it is Makrooh to offer Nafl Salah before starting time of Zuhr Sala..
The Ruling On Taking Part In Boxing
Answer: wudu. Thus, if it is not permitted to strike the face when enforcing judicial punishments nor to throw water on the face with force whilst making wudu..
Removing a gold tooth from the mouth of the deceased
Should Only اَلتَّحِیَّات Be Recited In Qa’dah Oula (The First Sitting) Or Should Durood And Du’a Be Recited Also?
Answer: Sunnah Mu`akkadah prayers and the Witr prayer. However, this is not the case for the four cycle Sunnah Ghayr Mu`akkadah prayers and the Nafl prayers ;..
Can A Woman Bathe During Her Periods ?
Answer: Wudu and bathe well. If you are unable to bathe, perform Wudu. Even the woman experiencing post-partum bleeding and menses, and the child, should bath..
Rulings about ‘Aqiqah
Answer: Sunnah will be fulfilled. However, it is better to take multiples of seven into account (i.e. 14th day, 21st day etc). The way to remember this is tha..
The imam and followers shaking hands after salah
Answer: Sunnah. Shaking hands after salah is permissible and lawful (mubāḥ). It is a commendable act, as shaking hands removes malice and increases their love..
Disabled person making Tayammum and repeating Salahs after recovery from disability
Question: Wudu; and neither is there anyone to give him water nor can he afford to buy water; in short, he has no access to water in any way, so is he allowed t..
Missing Sajdah in a Rak’at
Answer: Wudu, etc., so he must perform the missed Sajdah of the Salah as soon as he recalls it. Then, lifting his head from Sajdah, he must recite Tashahhud a..