Displaying 41 to 50 out of 127 results
Joining the congregation when the imam is in the second prostration of the first Rak’at of salah
Question: person comes to the masjid, finding the imam in the second prostration of the first unit of salah. He has missed participating in the first unit altog..
If Takbirs Of A Muqtadi Remain Outstanding During Eid Salah How Does He Complete His Salah?
Question: person joins Eid salah after one or two of the additional takbīrs in the first unit (rak’at) of salah, when will he say the additional takbīrs? If he ..
Can Zakat Be Given To Women Working In Homes ?
Answer: person without informing them. The intention of the giver is sufficient. Allah states in the Quran: اِنَّمَا الصَّدَقٰتُ لِلۡفُقَرَآءِ وَ الۡمَ..
What is the ruling on removing a green plant that grows on a grave?
Answer: deceased and due to its glorifying (Allah Almighty), mercy descends. Therefore, by removing it, the right of the deceased is violated. ( Radd-ul Muhta..
Copy of Quran in front of or behind the Salah-offering person
Question: person, will his Salah be valid? Questioner: Haji Rahmat Ali, Lahore ..
Definition of Shari’ Ma’zoor person[who is unable to sustain Wudu]
Question: person? If a teacher of Quran suffers from this inability, then will he be allowed to touch the Holy Quran, without having anything in between his ha..
Which month should we pay Zakah in Ramadan or in Rajab?
Answer: person becomes Sahib-e-Nisab (owner of Nisab) and an (Islamic) year has passed, the Fard to pay zakat arises at the exact moment a person becomes a Sa..
Where Should One Praying On A Chair Place His Chair In Salah
Question: person who is allowed to offer Salah sitting on a chair, is it necessary for him to offer Salah together in the row, while sitting on the chair or can..
Paying The Fidya Expiation Of The Whole Month Of Ramadan To One Needy Person At Once
Question: person who is incapable fasting i.e. neither can he fast currently nor there is hope of capability of fasting in future] to pay complete fidya[expiati..
Long recitation made by Imam and objection raised by Muqtadis
Answer: person who is old, ill, weak or who has to do some necessary piece of work, so it is a Sunnah for the Imam to recite Tiwal-e-Mufasssal (any Surah from..