Displaying 51 to 54 out of 54 results
If Takbirs Of A Muqtadi Remain Outstanding During Eid Salah How Does He Complete His Salah?
Answer: performing the takbīrs, he will then follow the imam, i.e., he will remain silent and listen to his recitation. If he joins after the imam has mo..
How Is It To Recite The Holy Quran During Tawaf ?
Answer: performing Tawaf, the Jurists have declared this as superior. It is mentioned in Fatawa Alamgiri: عندالطواف الذکر افضل من القراءۃ کذافی السراجیۃ..
Letting Off Fireworks On The Occasion Of A Wedding And Shab-E-Barat
Answer: performing something is Haram, watching it and enjoying it are also Haram. About fireworks Imam-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan رَحْمَةُ الـلّ..
What Is The Superior Time For Offering Zuhr Salah ?
Answer: performing it in the Mustahab time. Therefore, even during the summer months, when the congregational Salah for Zuhr is held at its earliest time, as ..