Displaying 51 to 60 out of 134 results
Ruling On Applying Antimony, Oil And Henna While Fasting
Question: ruling on inserting antimony in the eyes, and applying oil to the hair and body? Moreover, is the fast invalidated by applying henna?..
The Follower Should Complete Tashahhud and then Follow the Imam
Question: ruling for the follower of an imam, if the imam rises up from the first sitting in salah or has given salam at the end of the final sitting, before th..
Using Quranic Verses For Graphic Design Projects
Answer: ruling of a picture, it will be impermissible for this reason too. This is because when a rendering is printed, the ruling of a picture applies to it,..
When to Start Commanding the Children To Fast ?
Question: ruling apply to fasting?..
Ruling On Pausing In Salah For Forgotten Quran Verse
Question: ruling regarding Salah?..
What Is The Superior Time For Offering Zuhr Salah ?
Answer: ruling of winter applies to spring and the ruling of summer applies to autumn.(Bahar-e-Shariat, vol. 1, part 3, p. 452, Maktaba-tul-Madinah, Karachi) ..
Long Distance Travel To Another City With The Intention Of a 15 Day Stay
Answer: ruling of shortening specific prayers will no longer apply, even if he has not reached the actual place of residence. It is stated in al-Mabsū..
Ruling on Wudu and Ghusl in case of having a filling
Rulings Regarding Buying A Plot On Installments And Imposing A Fine On Late Installments
Ruling on Tilawat after ‘Asr Salah