Displaying 61 to 70 out of 157 results
Is it allowed to sell school notebooks and books that cannot be benefitted from?
Question: ruling on the papers that have Arabic writings on them?..
What is the ruling for writing یا محمد Ya Muhammad upon a wall ?
Shari rulings about condolence
Question: ruling about condolence after three days, is it Makruh-e- Tahreemi or Makruh-e- Tanzeehi? (2) What are the better words specified for condolence? Is i..
Buying and selling lottery cards and coupons
Question: ruling for the shopkeepers who sold them and the customers who purchased them? ..
Making a will regarding the carrying out of a good deed
Answer: ruling regarding the establishment of a will is that if the wealth is withdrawn according to the terms of the will and the remainder is distributed am..
Ruling Of Reciting Tasmiyah Prior To Surat Al Fatihah And The Additional Surah In Salah
Can Father Waive His Daughter's Meher? Or A Woman Voluntarily Waive Her Meher?
Question: ruling regarding this? ..
Ruling Regarding Selling A Kidney For Medical Treatment Of A Patient
Ruling on five Salahs in Mina and stay before Hajj
Question: ruling on stay in Mina and offering five Salahs there?..
How is it to eat Qurbani-meat in Muharram-ul-Haraam?
Answer: ruling merely on the basis of his guess without research and telling a wrong ruling merely on the basis of guess without research is impermissible and..