Displaying 61 to 70 out of 149 results
Ruling on five Salahs in Mina and stay before Hajj
Question: ruling on stay in Mina and offering five Salahs there?..
How is it to eat Qurbani-meat in Muharram-ul-Haraam?
Answer: ruling merely on the basis of his guess without research and telling a wrong ruling merely on the basis of guess without research is impermissible and..
What to do if Halal and Haraam are mixed in inheritance?
Question: ruling for the sons regarding the wealth of inheritance...
Distribution of property among offspring within one’s life
Question: ruling? How much will be the share of sons and daughters? If someone gives a share to some of his offspring and does not give any share to some others..
The ruling of having tattoos on the body
Question: ruling for this? Questioner: Muhammad Kamran Shah, (Dhamiyal, Rawalpindi) ..
The Ruling of Fasting Whilst Travelling
Question: ruling of fasting if one is in Shar’i travel during Ramadan-ul-Mubarak? ..
Where Should Children Be Made To Stand In The Row
Question: ruling regarding this?..
Can A Husband Make Use Of His Wife’s Earnings?
Answer: ruling in regards to all of them is that it is the property of the woman; the husband has no right over it whatsoever and he cannot make use of it wit..
Giving Sadaqah of the amount of previous sacrifices/doing Heelah for the amount of sacrifice
Answer: ruling is stated in the books of Fiqh in this case. Yes, the amount of Qurbani sacrifices of previous years can be utilised in the construction, ..
An important matter for chicken-sellers
Question: ruling that we supply the chicken to particular tikka shops. We need Islamic guidance on the procedure we follow. This is the procedure we follow: ..