Displaying 61 to 70 out of 72 results
Buying and selling lottery cards and coupons
Answer: impermissible (haram) according to Islamic law because it is a form of gambling. The detailed explanation of this is that in this scenario, either..
Can Sacrificing One Animal Suffice For An Entire Household?
Answer: impermissible. Hence, the sacrifice from none will be valid. Therefore, it has been mentioned in Tanveer-ul-Absaar and Al-Durr Al-Mukhtar, ” تجب شاۃ ..
Can We Offer Prostration of Thankfulness After Asr Salah ?
Answer: impermissible. وَاللہُ اَعْلَمُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ وَرَسُوْلُہ اَعْلَم صَلَّی اللّٰہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّم Answered By : Mufti Muhammad Qas..
Remaining Seated At The Beginning Of Tarawih Salah And Joining The Salah When The Imam Performs The Ruku
Answer: impermissible and a sin. However, if it is not out of laziness, but rather due to any reason such as the old age or weakness, it is not Makruh. I..
Can I Use Miswak and Toothpaste Whilst Fasting?
Answer: impermissible and Haram [prohibited] when fasting, but using it without a valid need, is certainly Makrooh and because there is more likelihood that s..
If A Masbooq Missed 1st Eid Rakaat When Should He Recite Takbir ?
Answer: impermissible, the Salaah is Valid. It is stated in Fath al Qadeer: ولو سبق بركعة ورأى رأي ابن مسعود رضي اللہ عنه يقرأ أولافیما يقضي ثم يكبر تكب..
What Is The Superior Time For Offering Zuhr Salah ?
Answer: impermissible to forego attending the congregational Salah at its designated time for the sake of performing it in the Mustahab time. Therefore, even ..
Can Witr Or Any Other Wajib Salah Be Offered At Fajr Time ?
Answer: impermissible to offer them at fajr time. In Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī: نھی رسول اللہ صلی اللہ تعالی علیہ وسلم عن الصلوۃ بعد الصبح حتی تشرق الشمس وبعد ..
Can The Khateeb Prohibit People From Coming Forward During The Sermon
Answer: impermissible act, like walking or using a fan and he is not familiar with Arabic, it is permissible to admonish him in Urdu. This is because fulfilli..
Ruling Regarding Not Specifying Ratio Of Profit Sharing In A Partnership
Answer: impermissible.(Bahar-e-Shariat, Vol.2, Page 499, Maktabah-tul-Madinah) While mentioning the rule regarding a loss in a partnership, the book Radd-..