Displaying 71 to 80 out of 98 results
Ruling Regarding Selling A Kidney For Medical Treatment Of A Patient
Answer: Ali Asghar Attari Madani Ref No: IEC-0113 Date: Jumadal Oolaa 05, 1445 Hijri/ November 20, 2023 Translated by Maulana Abdul wajid madani وَاللہُ..
Invalidation of Wudu due to drinking alcohol
Question: alid if a person drinks even a single drop of alcohol?..
Is A Web-Developer Sinful If Impermissible Item Is Displayed?
Answer: Ali Asghar Attari Madani Ref No: IEC-0068 Date: 27 Safarul Muzaffar 1445 Hijri/ September 14, 2023 Translated by Maulana Abdul wajid madani وَاللہ..
Is 8 Rabi-ul Awwal, the date of birth written in Fatawa Razawiyyah?
Mujeeb: Mufti Ali Asghar Attari
How is it for a Sawm-keeping(fasting) person to eat and drink water, etc. after vomit?
Question: alidates the Sawm. Therefore, he drinks water, etc., deliberately after the vomit. What is the ruling on the Sawm in the above situation?..
How is it to swallow saliva in the state of Sawm(fast)?
Question: aliva that appears on his lip during conversation; will the Sawm(fast) become invalid in this case?..
Acidic belch in the state of Sawm
Question: alid in this case?..
Clarification of the two cases in which Sawm(fast) becomes invalid
Can a resident of Jeddah have his Halq or Taqseer done in Jeddah after ‘Umrah?
Mujeeb: Mufti Abu Muhammad Ali Asghar Attari
Is markhor [mountain goat] Halal or Haraam?