Displaying 71 to 75 out of 75 results
Can Father Waive His Daughter's Meher? Or A Woman Voluntarily Waive Her Meher?
Answer: time of marriage. However, they should not be compelled or mistreated in order to forgo the dowry, as Allah has said طِبۡنَ لَکُمۡ. This means to fore..
Can A Woman Bathe During Her Periods ?
Answer: time for the cessation of her bleeding. There is no harm in her bathing prior to that (cessation of bleeding) for the purpose of keeping clean. That w..
Buying Something Online on the Condition You Will not Return it
Answer: time of viewing; there was no such choice prior to viewing. Therefore, declaring it to be void holds no value. The cost of returning the suit wil..
Long Distance Travel To Another City With The Intention Of a 15 Day Stay
Question: time? Someone who travels to Makkah, Madinah, or Baghdad, and intends a 15-day stay away from home; how will they pray until they arrive at their des..
A Permissible Way to Sell Things Just by Sharing Pictures
Answer: time of sale and if he does not have its ownership, sale will not occur.(Badaiyus Sanay, Vol 5, Page 147, Beirut) It is mentioned in the book Bada..