Displaying 81 to 90 out of 149 results
Long Distance Travel To Another City With The Intention Of a 15 Day Stay
Answer: ruling of shortening specific prayers will no longer apply, even if he has not reached the actual place of residence. It is stated in al-Mabsū..
What Is The Superior Time For Offering Zuhr Salah ?
Answer: ruling of winter applies to spring and the ruling of summer applies to autumn.(Bahar-e-Shariat, vol. 1, part 3, p. 452, Maktaba-tul-Madinah, Karachi) ..
Rulings Regarding Buying A Plot On Installments And Imposing A Fine On Late Installments
Ruling on Wudu and Ghusl in case of having a filling
Ruling on Tilawat after ‘Asr Salah
How is it to offer Salah bareheaded?
Question: ruling on it?..
What is the Islamic ruling on performing Nikah in the month of Safar?
How is it for a man to do Nikah with the paternal niece of his wife with whom his Nikah still exists?
Answer: ruling applies to a woman and her daughter-in-law...
Fard Hajj or marriage of daughter! What to do first?
Answer: ruling that there are certain valid reasons due to which performing Hajj is not Fard but they have not included the marriage of a daughter in them. Th..
Ruling on listening to the Kalimahs[Articles of faith] from the bride and groom at the time of Nikah