Displaying 1 to 10 out of 11 results
Who Can Have A Proxy Hajj (Ḥajj-E-Badal) Performed On Their Behalf
Question: Hajj is compulsory(Fard) for my father. He has had the money to perform it for around four or five years now, but he has not done so. He is approximat..
Fard Hajj or marriage of daughter! What to do first?
Question: Hajj becomes Fard upon him, so should he go to perform Hajj or he should first marry his daughter to someone? Some people say that they will first ful..
Delaying Hajj despite it being Fard
Question: Hajj is Fard for a husband but he delays it for some years for the reason that he will save some more money so that he will take his wife with him for..
When is it preferable to perform Nafl Hajj and ‘Umrah?
Question: Hajj and ‘Umrah or to help a poor debtor is preferable?..
Definition of Hajj-e- Akbar
Question: Hajj Akbar?..
Ruling Regarding Zakat On The Amount Of Money Saved For Hajj
Ruling for the Imam of a Mosque on making someone his substitute during Hajj vacations and receiving salary for those days
Question: Hajj or ‘Umrah, should those extra days be deducted in this case or not? Moreover, if he makes some person who is capable for this duty according to..
How is it to use the words ‘Haazir-o-Naazir’ for Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ?
Answer: Hajj, Ayah 17) At another place, it is stated: اِنَّ اللّٰہَ سَمِیۡعٌۢ بَصِیۡرٌ ﴿ۚ۷۵﴾ Indeed Allah is All Hearing, All Seeing. [Kanz-ul-Im..
Ruling on five Salahs in Mina and stay before Hajj
Stitched clothes in Ihram and Halq out of Haram[حرم]
Answer: Hajj and ‘Umrah, it is Wajib to do Halq or Taqseer. Since you cut your hairs less than a quarter of the head, the Wajib of Taqseer remained unfulfille..