Displaying 1 to 10 out of 30 results
Leading the funeral prayer (janaza) whilst in Iʿtikāf
What Is The Ruling On Selling And Buying A Vehicle If The Price Is Not Fixed On Advanced Booking ?
Answer: leading to a dispute, then the transaction is not valid. For example: One goat has been sold from this herd or this thing has been sold at a reasonabl..
The Ruling Regarding Praying Funeral Prayer Whilst Wearing Shoes
Question: prayer be offered in shoes?..
What should be done if blood flows from the deceased after the bathing (Ghusl) and shrouding (Takfeen)
Question: leading the funeral prayer, and the burial also took place. Was it necessary to have purified the shroud in the given scenario? Also, was it correct t..
Ruling On Rising After The Final Sitting And Performing The Salam In The Standing Position
Answer: prayer will be wājib. The detail concerning this issue is, after standing up forgetfully following the final sitting, if the Salah performer has not ..
How Many Toes Must Touch The Ground When Prostrating
Question: prayer? Questioner: Abdul Ra’oof (Gaarri Khaata, Zam Zam Nagar Hyderabad) ..
Combining 2 Units Of Sunnah And Nafl After The Fard Of Zuhr, Maghrib And Isha
Question: prayer, someone forgets to perform salām in the final sitting and instead stands to continue prayer. Then, upon remembering his mistake, he offers a f..
Ruling On Manufacturing, Selling And Advertising A Cross Locket
Answer: leading towards a forbidden act or whose main purpose is the attainment of a sin, its manufacture and trade is forbidden and a sin as it is cooperatio..
The time of the prayer of a fasting person being accepted; further, is the glad-tiding also for the one keeping a Nafl fast?
Islamic Law Concerning Tawidhat Amulets And Recitals For Cure Damm
Answer: prayers and hang them from children’s necks, as evidenced by this hadith in Tirmidhī: ان رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم، قال: اذا فزع احدکم فی النوم، ف..