Displaying 1 to 10 out of 41 results
Missing Sajdah in a Rak’at
Answer: missed, the Salah-offering person can offer it whenever he recalls it during the Salah. He must also perform Sajdah Sahw at the end. If he recalls it ..
Is it necessary to keep Qada fasts or can Fidyah be paid instead
Question: missed many fasts in his life. Now, he wants to know how to make up (Qada) the missed fasts? Is it necessary to keep Qada fasts or can Fidyah (monetar..
Joining the congregation when the imam is in the second prostration of the first Rak’at of salah
Question: missed participating in the first unit altogether, and will make up for this once the imam has offered salam. Can this person join the imam whilst the..
Ruling On Rinsing The Mouth And Sniffing Water Up The Nose While Fasting
Answer: making it reach beyond the soft part, until the root of the nasal bone. As for the fasting person, it is disliked (makrūh) for him to adopt the m..
If A Masbooq Missed 1st Eid Rakaat When Should He Recite Takbir ?
Question: missed, then when should a Masbooq[person who has missed one or more Rakaats from the beginning] utter the missed Takbiraat in the Remaining Rakaat, b..
The Islamic Ruling on Transgender Person
Answer: making the claim of being intersex, as under this law, any man can declare himself a woman or any woman can declare herself a man, difficulties will a..
Ruling On Booking Orders From A Restaurant Selling Permissible And Impermissible Food Items
Answer: making it unlawful. The legal cases relating to the above-mentioned details are as follows: Prohibition of pork and alcohol Allah states in t..
Is Prayer on the Last Friday of Ramadan Fulfilling Missing Prayers?
Answer: missed in the entire life so far) on Jumu'ah al-Wada (The last Friday of Ramadan), thinking that all previous Qaza Salahs will get performed, is simpl..
Audible voice in Qira`at during Salah
Answer: making any sound is of no use. Nothing can be recited without making sound. As per lexicology and norms, just moving the tongue without making any sou..
Disabled person making Tayammum and repeating Salahs after recovery from disability