Displaying 1 to 10 out of 12 results
Missing Sajdah in a Rak’at
Question: Sajdah forgetfully in a Rak’at during the Salah but he recalls in the next Rak’at that he had performed only one Sajdah, what should he do? And, if he..
Ruling on four Rak’aat of Salat-uz-Zuhr forgetfully led by Shari’ah-declared travelling Imam
Question: Sajdah-Sahw at the end. After the Salah, the Imam who is a Shari’ah-declared traveller recalls that he has led four Rak’aat Salah despite being a Shar..
I read Surah al-Naas in the first Rak’at of prayer, what should I recite in the second Rak’at?
Answer: Sajdah Sahw. This is because Sajdah Sahw becomes necessary if one forgets to fulfil one of the Wajibat of prayer. To recite in order is not from the W..
Ruling On Rising After The Final Sitting And Performing The Salam In The Standing Position
Question: sajdah sahw)? If a prostration of forgetfulness is incumbent upon him and he does not perform it, will the repetition of this salah become necessary f..
The Ruling for Coughing in Salah
Question: Sajdah-e- Sahw, etc. at this instance? ..
Forgetting to recite a Surah after Fatihah in Salah?
Answer: Sajdah al-Sahw) at the end. This way, the Salah will be complete. Whereas, if one does not return, despite remembering it in the Ruku’, then it will b..
Ruling On Pausing In Salah For Forgotten Quran Verse
Answer: sahw will become Wajib [compulsory], so in such case, it will be necessary to perform 2 sajdas of sahw at the end of salah, if they are not performed,..
What should one do if the congregational Salah began while he was offering his Fard Salah alone?
Answer: Sajdah of the first Rak’at and the congregation has been established, then in Fajr and Maghrib, he should do one Salam, end his Salah and join the con..
Should Only اَلتَّحِیَّات Be Recited In Qa’dah Oula (The First Sitting) Or Should Durood And Du’a Be Recited Also?
Answer: Sahw will become Wajib, and if someone did this intentionally, then it will be Wajib to repeat the prayer. Note: the ruling mentioned above also appl..
Copy of Quran in front of or behind the Salah-offering person
Answer: Sajdah in the state of Qiyam and his eyes fall on the designs and writing, etc., distracting his attention from the Salah; then this is Makruh. Simila..