Displaying 1 to 10 out of 21 results
Ruling On Pausing In Salah For Forgotten Quran Verse
Question: verse for another verse and forgets the verse he was reciting, hence paused for a while to recall the verse, so in such case, what will be the ruling ..
An Issue related to Sajda e Tilawat
Question: verse of prostration was recited in a session by five people, will prostration be performed once or five times? Also, if the listener himself recited ..
Ruling on sex-reassignment (gender-change) surgery
Answer: verse is (اَحْسَنُ الْخٰلِقِیْنَ) i.e. the best Creator. Both the human genders are created on the sound Nature (فطرت سلیمہ) by the Lord. There are co..
The Prostration Of Recitation Is Not Wajib Upon A Non-Baligh (Prepubescent) Child
Question: verse of prostration]; will the prostration of recitation become Wajib upon him or not? Also, if a non-Baligh child recited a verse of prostration and..
Ruling On Manufacturing, Selling And Advertising A Cross Locket
Answer: verse: ﴿وَ لَا تَعَاوَنُوْا عَلَى الْاِثْمِ وَ الْعُدْوَانِ﴾نهي عن معاونة غيرنا على معاصی اللہ تعالى Translation: In the noble verse, it is forb..
Was the MiꜤrāj (Ascension) bodily or spiritual? The legal ruling on the denier of the MiꜤrāj being bodily.
Answer: verses and Sahih Aḥādīth indicate upon this. This is the opinion of the majority of the honourable Companions, TābiꜤīn (successors), tbāꜤ TabiꜤīn (suc..
Correcting the imam’s recitation (luqma)
Question: verse. One of those participating in the congregation, a child who is a hafiz, prompted the imam with a luqma, which the imam heard and corrected his ..
Using Quranic Verses For Graphic Design Projects
Question: verses on these in various designs?..
Can Men Wear Shorts ?
Answer: verses related to this topic Allah Almighty declares regarding clothing: یٰبَنِیْۤ اٰدَمَ قَدْ اَنْزَلْنَا عَلَیْكُمْ لِبَاسًا یُّوَارِیْ سَوْاٰت..
Iddah of a widow and how is to act upon a Will which is contrary to Shari’ah?
Answer: Verse no. 234) Also, keep this fact in mind as well that if the death occurred on the first or last day of an Islamic month, then 4 months and 10 day..